martedì 30 novembre 2010

Monika - Avatar (Album 2008) from Greece

Great voice, exceptional interpretation!! Irreproachable cohesion and succession of pieces.An incredibly touching disk,a big surprise from our country (Greece)!


2.Bloody 5th
3.Are You Coming with Us
7.To No Avail
8.Excuse My Friends
9.Over the Hill
11.Not Young in My Youth
12.Misery Loves Company

A 21 years old student from Athens, Greece. At the age of 5 she started playing the piano and at 10 she bought her first guitar. A little later, she joined an orchestra in order to take saxophone lessons that lasted 5 years. She can also play some accordion and drums. She used to be a member of her brother’s band “Serpentine” where she did some basic vocals and played the electric guitar.

A year later, she came to Athens to study mathematics and started recording some songs in her computer. At the same time, she became a member of “Relevant Box” where she played the saxophone and did backing vocals. In the summer of 2005, she recorded some stuff for “My Wet Calvin” and in February she recorded a saxophone piece for the band “MENTA”. Her first single “Over the Hill” was released in early May 2008 and her debut album “Avatar” in the 19th of the same month.

All tracks written by MONIKA, recorded & arranged by Ottomo, mixed by Ian Caple (Tindersticks, Tricky, Yann Tiersen ), mastered by Ted Jensen (NY Sterling Sound)

ascolta l'album intero

Monika - Exit (Album 2010)


1. Ca Commence Bien (04:55)
2. Never (05:06)
3. Yes I Do (03:28)
4. Away From My Land (04:41)
5. Not Enough (05:04)
6. Take A Little Bit Of Me (04:17)
7. Our Love Or How We Lost It (07:28)
8. Show Me, Come On (04:37)
9. Studio House (03:02)
10. Run To Ruin (03:57)
11. Stars Won't Shine (02:44)
12. Exit (04:49)

Monika's first album "Avatar" immense success caused emotions in Greece: an english singing Greek artist hadn't broken into mainstream since forever and, against the ~20.000 copies sold and the unbelievable hype surrounding them, words and words were written and spoken about her. The audience obviously loved her (thus the sales). But some really mean things were said from people who should think before eating their tail, and yes, I am talking about the majors and the indie bands.
Imo, she has talent, but I would point out that she differs in the point of view: her album was different that any other "indie" greek album, it just sounded differently. Good or bad, it doesn't matter, because it found it's way to people's ears and THEY JUST LIKED IT.
Now, Monika has prepared her second album, called "Exit", in Germany and it will be out next Wednesday. She remains on the same road she went down on her debut, while pushing towards an even more pompous result. A song like "Yes I Do" is a good example: there are certainly some ideas in the production, like the use of traditional greek instruments, the contradiction between the voices, the effort for a new result.

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lunedì 29 novembre 2010

japanese cat_Maru

si saranno giurati eterno amore ! ! !

gatto in vitro

dategli uno joystick ! ! !

secondo me il rigore non c'era ! ! ! !

troppo sale nei croccantini

meglio una dieta iposodica !!!!

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...non ha paura dell'acqua !!!!

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perchè noi no ? cane e gatto possono andare d'accordo!

mici lisergici

Nuovi studi hanno evidenziato che ai gatti piace andare alla ricerca di piante particolarmente aromatiche in grado di stimolare in loro piacevoli stimolazioni a livello neurologico. Il risultato è incredibile e verosimigliante alla situazione di un umano sotto effetto di droghe o alcool. Doopo aver assunto queste sostanze appaiono particolarmente mansueti, fanno le fuse e perdono l'equilibrio.

Fermateli! Stop them!

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emilia santa cruz (couchsurfer).

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con me, Alex & Laura.

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